About Us

World Child Cancer is the leading international children’s charity dedicated to addressing the global inequality in childhood cancer care. 

Founded in 2007, we now support 13 programmes in Africa, Asia and Central America.

Our Mission

To improve diagnosis, treatment and support for children with cancer, and their families, in low and middle-income countries around the world.

Our Vision

A world where every child with cancer has equal access to treatment and care.

Our Four Pillars

Improving Treatment

Health care is a right, not a privilege. 

Family Support

Successful treatment starts and ends with the whole family.

Early Diagnosis

Survival starts with an early and accurate diagnosis.


Give childhood cancer the attention it deserves.

"Any parent whose child has cancer wants them to have the best treatment as fast as possible, and they want to know that everyone who can help will do everything possible. Where you were born shouldn't make a difference, because every child deserves the best treatment and care, and together we can make sure they get it."

- Luke Thomas, CEO World Child Cancer

Our Impact


Children recieved help from World Child Cancer in 2023.


Healthcare workers trained in specialised care in 2023.


countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America.